Brett Rossi
Astrological sign: Gemini · Measurements: 32D-24-33
Brett Rossi is from Los Angeles, USA. She is a lesbian lover who could turn even the most hetero gal into a full-fledged tuna teaser and muff muncher. Brett is so stunning, and she practically paralyzes her sex partners into mute sex slaves ready to do her every bidding.
Fun Fact: Brett loves adventures, horseback riding, hiking, exploring and traveling.
Brett Rossi
Astrological sign: Gemini · Measurements: 32D-24-33
Brett Rossi is from Los Angeles, USA. She is a lesbian lover who could turn even the most hetero gal into a full-fledged tuna teaser and muff muncher. Brett is so stunning, and she practically paralyzes her sex partners into mute sex slaves ready to do her every bidding.
Fun Fact: Brett loves adventures, horseback riding, hiking, exploring and traveling.